Under review (selected)
Henninger, M., Vanhasbroeck, N. & Tuerlinckx, F. (under review). Affect dynamics or response bias? The relationship between extreme response style and affect dynamics in a controlled experiment. OSF. Preprint.
Henninger, M., Radek, J., Sengewald, M.-A. & Strobl, C. (under review). Partial credit trees meet the partial gamma coefficient for quantifying DIF and DSF in polytomous items. OSF. Preprint.
Henninger, M. & Strobl, C. (under review). Local interpretation techniques for machine learning methods: Theoretical background, pitfalls and interpretation of LIME and Shapley values. OSF. Preprint.
Strobl, C., Rothacher, Y., Theiler, S., & Henninger, M. (under review). Detecting interactions with random forests: A comment on Gries’ words of caution and suggestions for improvement.
Peer-reviewed publications (selected)
Fokkema, M., Henninger, M., & Strobl., C (in press). One model may not fit all: Subgroup detection using model-based recursive partitioning. Journal of School Psychology.
Ulitzsch, E., Henninger, M., & Meiser, T. (2024). Differences in response-scale usage are ubiquitous in cross-country comparisons and a potential driver of elusive relationships. Nature scientific reports. https://rdcu.be/dHMPi. OSF
Zimmer, F., Henninger, M., & Debelak, R. (2023). Sample size planning for complex study designs: A tutorial for the mlpwr package. Behavior Research Methods. https://link.springer.com/article/10.3758/s13428-023-02269-0. Preprint
Henninger, M., Debelak R., Rothacher, Y., & Strobl, C. (2023). Interpretable machine learning for psychological research: Opportunities and pitfalls. Psychological Methods. doi: 10.1037/met0000560. Preprint
Henninger, M., Debelak, R., & Strobl, C. (2023). A new stopping criterion for Rasch trees based on the Mantel-Haenszel effect size measure for differential item functioning. Educational Psychological Measurement, 83, 181-212. doi:10.1177/ 00131644221077135. Preprint
Henninger, M. & Plieninger, H. (2021). Different styles, different times: How response times can inform our knowledge about the response process in rating scale measurement. Assessment, 28, 1301-1319. doi:10.1177/ 1073191119900003
Henninger, M. & Meiser, T. (2020). Different approaches to modeling response styles in Divide-by-Total Item Response Theory models (Part I): A model integration. Psychological Methods, 25, 560-576. doi: 10.1037/met0000249. Preprint
Henninger, M. & Meiser, T. (2020). Different approaches to modeling response styles in Divide-by-Total Item Response Theory models (Part II): Applications and novel extensions. Psychological Methods, 25, 577-595. doi: 10.1037/met0000268. Preprint
Books and book chapters (selected)
Strobl, C., Henninger, M., Rothacher, Y., & Debelak, R. (in press). Simulationsstudien in R: Design und praktische Durchführung. Springer.
Henninger, M. (2016). Resilienz. in D. Frey (Ed.), Psychologie der Werte: Von Achtsamkeit bis Zivilcourage - Basiswissen aus Psychologie und Philosophie (pp. 157-165). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi: 10.1007/ 978-3-662-48014-4_14